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Bokura No Kiseki Raw Full

Bokura No Kiseki Raw Full

Tips: You're reading Bokura no Kiseki Chapter 43, please read Bokura no Kiseki Chapter 43 english scan online from left to right. You can use left (- or,) and right (-> or.) keyboard keys or click on the Bokura no Kiseki Chapter 43 image to browse between Bokura no Kiseki 43 pages. Download Raw Manga Novel 雑誌 artbook ボクラノキセキ 第01-15巻 Bokura no Kiseki Vol 01-15 zip rar Hosts: Uploaded Rapidgator Datafile. Home DMCA; よいこといけない放課後 [Yoiko to Ikenai Houkago] 綺麗なコンパニオン図鑑 Vol.01-08. Bokura no Himitsu wo Kyouyuu Shiyou ka Yuka goes to Ikimonogakari's room to ask them to solve her love problem, but unfortunately, they couldn't help her. To make her feel better, the people in the club gives her a piece of candy.

  1. Bokura No Kiseki Raw

Bokura no Kiseki manga: From a young age, Minami Harusumi has had recurring dreams of Veronica, a princess whose kingdom is on the verge of destruction. He believes them to be recollections of his past life, and that he is her reincarnation. Because of this, he is ridiculed by his classmates. One day, when the mockery escalates into bullying, he rediscovers magic—something Veronica had studied and used. Reassured his past life is not merely a fantasy, Minami tries to learn more about his past memories and the reason behind them.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Though we are happy to see that you like our releases of the manga series, 'Bokura no Kiseki', we would very much appreciate your not HOUNDING us about the next chapter. Especially in what seems to be most EVERY comment in every NON-Bokura no Kiseki manga post. The reasons being: 1.) The translators in charge of this project - Fanceli is the main translator who, although translates for this series, is busy trying to fulfill the expectations of her parents which, in essence, means 'study, study, study.'

She is still in school and should have that as her first priority. Needless to say, you should worship her for taking the time out of her busy schedule to work on a translation if not cut her some slack, please. Myself, GottErstechen007, being the main translator here (and not including our trap joints), I translate MOST of what you guys read here. That means, aside from being a translation checker for this series, I translate for 8 other series here.

Two others for my home group, FTH-Scans as well as some 6 series PLUS a myriad of other series and one-shots. You want to know WHY Fanceli was brought on board here for 'Bokura no Kiseki'? Because she has the skills and I don't have the time to accommodate the sheer MASS that is 'Bokura no Kiseki' Which bring me to my next point.

2.) The very nature of 'Bokura no Kiseki' as a manga - It is of the 'Josei' genre and aside from it being for girls you know what it has that 'Shounen' manga doesn't? A LOT OF DIALOGUE! Not to mention, the dialogue in question is not as plain and simple as a shounen manga.

In addition to this, the chapters for 'Bokura no Kiseki' are some 60 or so pages. So ONE chapter of this is like FOUR chapters of a shounen manga. It is not easy, we wish to deliver you chapters in the best possible condition, and, in effect, it takes time. 3.) The people at Deus Ex Scans are only human - We have our own lives to live it is by no means only to devote ourselves to manga. NJMANGA is a working man and is a great man known by a great many.

Again, and I cannot stress this enough, Fanceli is a dedicated student trying to live up to the expectations of her parents. She works on Bokura no Kiseki whenever she has the time and does not force herself to work on it or sacrifice her social life to do so. I, GottErstechen007, am a man who, although unemployed, strives to find a job as well as study Japanese as it is my dream to live there one day and make my own manga there. So it is for these reasons that we would like you all to please be patient and not bombard us with questions about 'when's the chapter coming out?' And the like. Have you not SEEN what else we have here?

Please give them a shot. We release them to you for you to enjoy and not just to give you another place where you can ask about Bokura no Kiseki and when the next chapter's coming out. They will come out when they come out. As Fanceli is being more proactive in her studies, we cannot expect her to work any faster than she already is. It is also worth mentioning that NJMANGA, who although said this in a fit of anger and corrected himself later, actually said that he might actually drop this series what with all the incessant nagging asking about when the next chapter's coming out.

He likes working on Bokura no Kiseki because he likes the series a lot and wants share them with you all. He does not like the idea of being forced to release something just to satisfy you guys. Even more so when he finds comments in other releases asking about Bokura no Kiseki. He and I, both, work really hard on our releases and would like credit where credit is due. Just know that the chapters ARE coming and that we are not dropping it.

I cannot say what will happen in the future as some of you might continue to ask when the next chapter of Bokura no Kiseki is coming out. Please just accept the fact that 'it'll come when it comes' and stop asking. Thanks for reading and we hope you still enjoy reading Bokura no Kiseki as well as other series we provide! Anonymous My thoughts exactly.

They did clearly say they won't be dropping this series. So let's just be thankful that they do plan to release it soon, at their own choosing. For the meantime just read the other series of mangas, obviously, there are diehard fans of bokura out there but consider the time the scanlators have as well.

So be patient and let's stop pestering or pressuring them. If you have time to pester, put it in some other good use.

Like thanking them. Well,help out in some other things. Calamarre Hi guys, thanks for making us discover this series.

Bokura No Kiseki Raw

I just went there by chance and was hooked up!! Not the (frequent) shounen with no plot (well, no dialogue) not the (also frequent) cheesy josei with either no art or only romantic scenes. A very nice, balanced, work, with romance (a bit), action, suspense, magic, mundane lives, intrigues.etc take all your time. We have some and can wait. Please, if one day you ever decide to abandon (and I hope not), tell it somewhere, clearly, so our hopes are quickly crushed instead of being desapointed every week/month or even more. Frequently my only disappointment is. That this is the only work from this author:D I thought I could go check his/her other works to make me wait between your updates.

But I cannot. Gonna read your other projects then. Keep up the good job! We are close to catching up to the end of volume 7 we only have two chapter left in 6 and 3 or 4 left in volume 7, we have the next script for 20 and Im editing it, but we dont have a script for 21 yet until fancelli emails it to us, we would love to release fast but as you may of noticed each chapter gets progressively bigger from 30 now up to 60 to 70 pages per chapter of heavy dialogue, so it takes time per chapters but we are releasing them at a pace that by the time we finish 7 the tank for 8 should be that far off. Ill repeat again to all the fans of bokura no kiseki, this manga is a bi monthly manga, meaning in japan only one chapter is release ever two months, 1 chapter. We are currently reaching the end of volume 6, which means one more chapter after chapter 20, and 3 chapters in volume 7, this manga is not a weekly or a monthly its release once every two months in japan and we are getting dangerously close to japan current, so bare with us if we dont want to release the last 4 chapters in one week and hear 2 months of people bitching, its not saying you would but people bitch when we dont release every two weeks.

Anonymous Thank you so much for taking the time for this amazing series! It's very high quality work, and for how complicated the plot is, your translator is doing a fantastic job conveying everything in English. I feel it's sad there are people so impatient for a release. With how fascinating 'Bokura' is, I often go back and reread everything when a new chapter comes out (and sometimes when I think of it between releases). After all, the art is beautiful and reading a second time reveals details that were unnoticed before. Please, keep up the good work and thank you all for sacrificing part of your time and lives to sharing this with fellow fans.:D.

Anonymous Hey, I dont want to brag and be unpolite to you. You guys do a great job in translating and 'feeding' us with this awesome serie! I was just wondering if you forgot to post the latest chapter? As you said 3 weeks ago that you would upload it that weekend and i found no info no nothing about it since then. I hope you dont get it wrong, I dont wont ask you to translate it any faster or anything, just wanted to know what happened with that chapter, since it sounded as if you were rdy and about to upload it. Keep up with the great work and thank you again for giving us this drug:). I had an issue with my right eye that caused me to slow down on all my project, plus I was trying to not release chapter 22 until Fancelli sent me chapter 23, that weekend fancelli told me she may send it but than my eye got worst and she had issues, basically a cluster fuck of issues occurred, this weekend bokura 22 is coming out, its just im trying to finish tokage no ou for tommorow than Ill give you guys bokura 22, even though we dont have script for 23, fancelli is MIA at the moment but ill post 22.


Anonymous Thank you so much for scanlating Bokura no Kiseki! Dear Dues Ex Scans, I love what you guys are doing for this series. And I think that it is most understandable that releases like this series would be released for a long time. I just would like to let you guys know that you are awesome for translating this manga.

Better late than never, in my opinion because a plot like this deserves to be read by so many. Good luck with all the other stuff because I understand that life's got its own idiosyncrasies. And so, my hat off to you guys and well done. Thank you so much for translating an amazing 53 chapters (About 3000 pages of dialogue in multiple dialects!) of this incredible series. I haven't read a new manga in years and actually started reading Our Miracle thinking it had been completed long ago. When I got to the page that said, 'This chapter isn't out yet,' I just about died. Then, I remembered it was why I wanted to learn Japanese in the first place.

I'd like to get my hands dirty helping to translate something, or at least learning how. Do you have any recommendations on how to get started?

Also, I just want to say what an amazing job you guys have done portraying when people speak distinctly. It's hard to distinguish formality levels or more antiquated phraseology in English without sounding absurd.

Bokura No Kiseki Raw Full